Benefits of Green Tea

What Are The Health Benefits Of Green Tea?

There are many Benefits of Green Tea, Green tea native to china / india , has been consumed and hailed for its health benefits globally, but now a day it has gained popularity in united states. 

What is the green tea?

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Green tea is the healthiest drink after water. It is much more than just a liquid. Green tea is the dried leaves of Camellia Sinensis plant which contains the highest antioxidants. It is the best anti oxidant tea, which is made from un-oxidized leaves and contains many bioactive compounds like flavonoids, catechins, theanine and other polyphenols. It also contains a small amount of caffeine as compared to other teas.
Due to the large amount of green tea benefits, it has become a popular drink these days. Different forms of green tea are available in the market, which includes loose green tea leaves, tea bags or liquid green tea in a bottle with or without sugar, powdered green tea, etc. You can also add various other ingredients in it to add a different flavor like lemon juice, ginger, green cardamom, etc. Benefits of green tea are written below.

Why only green tea?

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From the recent studies, many advantages of green tea have been discovered.
There is an endless list of benefits of green tea. It is also used in various medicines which are used to cure wounds, cancer, liver disorders and different types of chronic diseases related to heart.
It is also used to improve your physical health and regulates temperature within the body. For this purpose green tea extracts are also available in the form of capsules or liquid bottles, which can be used as a medicine.

What are the benefits of drinking green tea?

The list of health benefits of green tea is immense.

  • Green Tea Contains Different nutrients that can improve health:

The green tea contains a large amount of significant nutrients that has many positive effects on your health. One of the major healthy nutrients in the green tea is Epigallocatechin 3 Gallate (EGCG) which gathers unique medicinal qualities. It also contains small quantities of minerals.

  • Green tea may help in improving your physical performance:

Green tea helps in carrying out different physical processes of the human body and improves your physical performance. It is not only enhances your metabolism but also it increases the rate of fat burning. It also builds up the level of energy in your body.

  • Different compounds in the green tea boosts your brain functioning:

One of the major benefit of green tea is the presence of the compound caffeine which stimulates your brain functioning. Its quantity in green tea is relatively less than in coffee, but still it does keep you awake. It is not only improves your memory working, but also improves your mood.

Other than caffeine, it also contains another compound called L theanine, which has an anti anxiety effect due to the increase activity of inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. L theanine together with caffeine produces enough effect to boost your brain functioning.

  • Green Tea may reduce risks of different types of cancer:

Green tea reduces the risks of various types of cancers that include breast, ovarian, lungs, prostate and esophageal cancer due to the presence of various antioxidants like polyphenols. It destroys the cancerous cells without even damaging the healthy tissues and stops them to grow.

  • Green tea may lower your risk of Diabetes:

Green tea helps to lower the risk of diabetes. Diabetes is caused due to the constant presence of high glucose level in the blood. Green tea may lower the glucose level and also increases the insulin in the blood.

  • Green tea may prevent you from various heart diseases:

Another benefit of drinking green tea is to lessen the occurrence of heart diseases like heart attacks, strokes, blood pressure, etc. Nowadays, the major reasons of deaths are these heart diseases. These diseases are caused by the thickening of vessels and formation of clots in blood.

  • Green tea may help in controlling your Cholesterol:

Green tea helps to maintain the balance between the good cholesterol and bad cholesterol by lowering the level of bad cholesterol.

  • Green tea may help in reducing weight:

Green tea may help in reducing your weight and prevents the risk of obesity. It increases your metabolism rate and decreases major amounts of body fats especially abdominal fats.

  • Green tea may help to prevent dental diseases:

The existence of the compound catechin in the green tea helps to prevent various dental diseases like tooth decay, bad breath, cavities, etc. It kills all the bacteria and viruses which are present in the mouth and the main basis of the dental diseases.

  • Green tea may used as an anti viral and anti bacterial:

Green tea also serves as an anti viral and anti bacterial due to the presence of the anti oxidant catechin. It cures many diseases like cancer, reduces risks of infections, and treats influenza virus.

  • Green tea used to lessen the depression:

Green also contains many amino acids like theanine which helps to lessen the chances of depression. It reduces your stress and anxiety and gives a very relaxing effect to your brain and releases your tension.

  • Green tea may serve as a skincare:

Another benefit of drinking green tea is that it refreshes your skin and wipes out the presence of free radical to prevent you from the wrinkles and also the signs of aging on the skin.

  • Other green tea benefits:
Other green tea benefits include prevention from arthritis, asthma, cold and flu and many more.

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If you want to live like a smart and fit person then consider adding green tea in your daily life because advantages of green tea are immense. You can not only lose your weight but also prevents the chances of being fall for many chronic diseases like cancer, blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, etc. you cannot deny the. For more details contact us.

 benefits of green tea.

Uses Of Green Tea:

Green tea contains caffein and it's been accustomed increase alertness. tea leaf has conjointly been used for cancer hindrance, to lower sterol, and to prevent/delay brain disorder.Some herbal/diet supplement merchandise are found to contain presumably harmful impurities/additives. refer to your health professional for a lot of details relating to the actual whole you employ.The agency has not reviewed this product for safety or effectiveness. Consult your doctor or health professional for a lot of details.

Green Tea Extract:

you can read Green tea extract at this link.


  1. Hey it’s great to know about health benefits of Green tea. I knew that it is a best anti-oxidant but I never knew it has so many other benefits too. Share some benefits of having Green drink too if you know. Thanks.

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